2013年12月27日 星期五

Shellcode惡意代碼分析利器 – scdbg

What is scdbg?

scdbg是一款多平臺開源的Shellcode模擬運行、分析工具。其基於libemulibrary搭建的虛擬環境,通過模擬32位元處理器、記憶體和基本Windows API運行環境來虛擬執行Shellcode以分析其行為。有了虛擬執行媽媽再也不用擔心我的電腦中病毒了。
      直接命令列輸入scdbg.exe example.sc 來看看輸出:



A.  跨平臺開源
$ ./scdbg -f test.sc -fopen bad.pdf -i
fopen(bad.pdf) = 4d565c
Loaded 312 bytes from file test.sc
Initialization Complete..
Interactive Hooks enabled
401083  GetFileSize(4) = 2031b
401112  GlobalAlloc(sz=2031b) = 60000
401118  SetFilePointer(hFile=4, dist=0, FILE_BEGIN)
401132  ReadFile(hFile=4, buf=60000, numBytes=2031b)
401147  CreateFile(x.exe)
        Interactive mode local file: /tmp/WHhUmhtM
401158  WriteFile()
401176  WinExec(x.exe)

Windows Native Source/Binaries (201 hooks - current development branch)

*nix/Cygwin Source/Binaries (100 hooks - inactive)

The older gcc compatible and cross-compilable version is available here:
(tested with cygwin/gcc 3.4 & 4.3, RHEL 2.6/ gcc 4.1)

Help screen below: (see scdbg -h for current options)

 scdbg is an adaption of the libemu library and sctest project
 Libemu Copyright (C) 2007  Paul Baecher & Markus Koetter
 scdbg developer: David Zimmer
 Compile date: Apr 14 2011 21:02:02

 /foff hexnum          starts execution at file offset
 /mm                   enabled Memory Monitor (logs access to key addresses)
 /mdll                 Monitor Dll - log direct access to dll memory (hook detection/patches)
 /nc                   no color (if using sending output to other apps)
 /f fpath              load shellcode from file specified.
 /o hexnum             base offset to use (default: 0x401000)
 /redir ip:port        redirect connect to ip (port optional)
 /i                    enable interactive hooks
 /v                    verbosity, can be used up to 4 times, ex. /v /v /vv
 /e int                verbosity on error (3 = debug shell)
 /t int                time to delay (ms) between steps when v=1 or 2
 /h                    show this help
 /ba hexnum            break above - breaks if eip > hexnum
 /bp hexnum            set breakpoint on addr or api name (same as -laa  -vvv)
 /bs int               break on step (shortcut for -las  -vvv)
 /a                    adjust offsets to file offsets not virtual
 /d                    dump unpacked shellcode (requires /f)
 /las int              log at step ex. -las 100
 /laa hexnum           log at address or api ex. -laa 0x401020 or -laa ReadFile
 /s int                max number of steps to run (def=2000000, -1 unlimited)
 /hex                  show hex dumps for hook reads/writes
 /findsc               detect possible shellcode buffers (brute force)
 /dump                 view hexdump of the target file (can be used with /foff)
 /disasm int           Disasm int lines (can be used with /foff)
 /fopen file           Opens a handle to  for use with GetFileSize() scanners
 /- /+                 increments or decrements GetFileSize, can use multiple times
 /hooks                dumps a list all implemented api hooks
 /r                    show analysis report at end of run
 /pp                   peb patch - required for some shellcodes (rare)
 /b0                   break if 00 00 add [eax],al
 /patch fpath          load patch file  for libemu memory
 /dir  folder          process all .sc files in  echo results to .txt

   dbg> shell prompt commands:
        ? - help, this help screen, h also works
        v - change verbosity (0-4)
        g - go - continue with v=0
        s - step, continues execution, ENTER also works
        c - reset step counter
        r - execute till return (v=0 recommended)
        u - unassembled address
        b - break at address
        m - reset max step count (-1 = infinate)
        e - set eip
        w - dWord dump,(32bit ints) prompted for hex base addr and then size
        d - Dump Memory (hex dump) prompted for hex base addr and then size
        x - execute x steps (use with reset step count)
        t - set time delay (ms) for verbosity level 1/2
        k - show stack
        i - break at instruction (scans disasm for next string match)
        f - dereF registers (show any common api addresses in regs)
        o - step over
        .lp - lookup - get symbol for address
        .pl - reverse lookup - get address for symbol
        .seh - shows current value at fs[0]
        .reg - manually set register value
        .poke1 - write a single byte to memory
        .poke4 - write a 4 byte value to memory
        .savemem - saves a memdump of specified range to file
        q - quit

